10:00am to 11:00am

CE Event: "The Importance of Education and Training Specific to LGBTQ+ Topics"

A major barrier that the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) community faces regarding sport participation is the lack of an inclusive and welcoming environment. Those within the community that perceive a lack of social support and acceptance could potentially feel isolated or excluded. This perception can also lead to decreased athletic and academic performance. Additionally, feelings of isolation and decreases in performance can ultimately lead to several psychological illnesses, such as depression, anxiety, substance abuse, self-harm, and eating disorders. All of which are associated with an increased risk for suicide contemplation. Research has shown that the LGBTQ+ community faces healthcare discrimination. If an injured or ill athlete perceives negative attitudes from clinicians, they may wait or avoid getting treatment. This delay or avoidance of treatment could result in the failed healing of injuries, reoccurring injuries, poor response to treatment, and longer return to play times. Additionally, mental health issues and psychological disorders could be left untreated. The inequities in healthcare typically result from the lack of education and training specific to LGBTQ+ topics. That being said, recent research found that athletic trainers want to receive more training and education in caring for LGBTQ+ athletes. It is crucial for athletic trainers to learn and be culturally competent to provide appropriate healthcare for their patients. Athletic trainers must understand proper communication with their patients and create an inclusive environment within the athletic training setting overall.

11:10 am - 11:40am

DCATA Fall Business Meeting

This part of the event is open only for DCATA Members.
