Athletic Trainers that practice in the District of Columbia are now able to apply for licensure.  Below you will find information that will help you with the licensure process.

Athletic Trainer Licensure Step by Step

Are you being counted?

National Provider Identifier (NPI)

 An NPI is a unique 10-digit identification number used in standard health care transactions. It is issued to health care professionals and covered entities that transmit standard HIPAA electronic transactions (e.g., electronic claims and claim status inquiries). The NPI fulfills a requirement of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). It also replaces all provider identifier numbers assigned by payers and is used by health care professionals. Covered entities under HIPAA are required by regulation to use NPIs to identify health care providers in HIPAA standard transactions. 

DCATA strongly encourages all athletic trainers to get for their NPI.  Having an NPI improves recognition of athletic trainers as health care professionals across all settings. 

Applying for your NPI is quick, easy and free. Visit the CMS National Plan & Provider Enumeration System to complete your application today. Follow our Step-by-Step NPI Application Instructions (pdf) to apply today.